I am reading this book; "10 Lies the Church Tells Women" by J. Lee Grady.
Lie: A woman should view her husband as the authority/leader of the home.
Quote from page 83-84:
"When church leaders raise the issue of male headship, they are referring to two passages in the New
Testament: Ephesians 5:23 ("For the husband is the head of the wife") and 1 Corinthians 11:3 ("the man is the head of the woman"). Some people have assumed that this means men have been designed by God to be the leaders in society, while women are called to be followers. And they assume this is God's model for the church as well."
"But we need to be careful here, noting that in both of these passages Paul is discussing a wife's relationship with her husband, not a woman's relationship with all other men."
"If we investigate these two passages deeper, we discover that the concept of headship is not really about authority at all. It is about intimacy, mutuality, and the unique connection that exists between a husband and wife. The word used here for "head" in the Greek is kephale, which can be translated "source", as the headwaters of a river are the source of the river. If Paul had meant to say, "The husband is the boss of the wife," or "The husband is the leader of the wife," he would have used the Greek word archon, which is often used in the New Testament to denote authority. Instead he uses kephale, a rarer term."
"Why would Paul say that the husband is the source of the wife? In both passages, he is referring to the origin of woman in the Garden of Eden. Adam was the "head," or "source," of Eve because she was taken from his side. And because she came from him, she as the wife enjoys a unique connection to him that cannot be paralleled by any other human relationship."
"The headship principle, therefore, really has nothing to do with authority in the home. It stresses, rather, the mutual dependence that a man and wife have on each other, and it calls on husbands to nourish and cherish their wives since they have such an intimate connection with them in a spiritual sense."