It's been a few years since I have posted anything to this blog. I want to give some updates and then begin a new series about 'Getting Married after 50'. Yes, I got married about a year and a half ago. What a wonderful blessing. Although, the blessings aren't always what I had hoped for, if I let God in, He turns it into something beautiful.
I found this article about 'Getting Married after 50' that rings true with me especially when it comes to blending finances...
"It can be hard to compromise. And I don’t think it’s just women -- it’s women and men. When you come to marriage in your 20s or your 30s, you haven’t had as many years to convince yourself that you’re so right about the way that you do things. By the time that you’re in your 50s or your 60s, you do things the way you do things and you have this sense that your way is the best way. You may find it harder to meet in the middle. But that’s what marriage is: Marriage is meeting in the middle. And if you want your marriage to work, you better figure out how to do that. And in a way that you’re not constantly fighting about money because we know that the more times couples fight per week about money, the more likely they are to divorce."