The last few weeks the Lord has told me that the assignment that he has for me during this new era is to be a voice and a visionary of what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like on earth, and how he wants me and others to co-labor with him to establish it.
Even though the dream I had (below) and the warring he had me do this morning seemed to focus on demolishing extreme levels of evil, the Lord says, "DO NOT BE AFRAID". He is on the move on the earth in this new era of transformation like never before.
I had a dream this morning that I won't go into detail with, because it was very disturbing having to do with pedophilia. I woke up warring in the Spirit against these principalities and powers of darkness as the Lord led me, using the sword (with the wrecking ball on the end) that He gave me to DEMOLISH DEMONIC STRONGHOLDS. It was extremely powerful, and my body was literally being hit by wave after wave of the power of God as I prayed, declared and fought alongside powerful angels of our God and King.
These are some of the principalities that He is destroying and demolishing on the earth:
Mammon (greed)
Pan - (fear and panic)
Witchcraft (pharma, modern medical, gov corruption)
Pedophilia (in all forms)
Satanic ritual abuse & Child sacrifice (Baal)
There are many more, as he leads me in this divine adventure of ushering in the Kingdom of God and of Heaven on earth.
This is the word he gave me this morning:
"All leaders in the churches or anyone calling themselves a Christian that is participating in these sins (pedophilia), and does not repent, will be removed. All government leaders in this State will be removed that voted for, or signed the bill sexualizing children in this State and any other. The modern medical association was founded by WITCHCRAFT and has evil roots that partner with the principalities of MAMMON (greed), and PAN (panic, fear). These THREE principalities will be removed! They are being DEMOLISHED as we speak. I will REFORM, REBUILD, and RESTORE HEALING in and for the Nations. I have given the 'White hats' my divine protection and power to destroy the global cabal and its satanic ritual abuse using women and children. This evil empire will come down and is being destroyed by me NOW. The global cabal, as you call it, is Satan himself working in and through the world system to kill, steal and destroy. However (as you put it), FEAR NOT for I have defeated Satan and all of his minions. I have defeated all of the principalities and powers of darkness! I only weight (wait) for my people to reign with me, and awaken to the power and authority that I have given those that I HAVE SANCTIFIED (purified, cleansed, transformed by my blood). Reign with me in glory and power to transform the earth and the world into the Kingdom of Heaven. Together we will demolish every principality, demonic stronghold on this earth! Together we become 'one' as my Son and I are one, so are we one."
He had me listen to and look up Revelation 11. He is having me say these words over and over...