The Lord says, "Great treasure has been given to you all...
"Psa_18:24 I’ve kept my integrity by surrendering to him. And so the Lord has rewarded me with his blessing. This is the treasure I discovered when I kept my heart clean before his eyes.
Psa_31:19 Lord, how wonderful you are! You have stored up so many good things for us, like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings—all for those who honor and worship you! Everybody knows what you can do for those who turn and hide themselves in you.
Psa_89:24 Because I love him and treasure him, my faithfulness will always protect him. I will place my great favor upon him, and I will cause his power and fame to increase.
Psa_119:11 I consider your prophecies to be my greatest treasure, and I memorize them and write them on my heart to keep me from committing sin’s treason against you.
Psa_119:55 Throughout the night I think of you, dear God; I treasure your every word to me.
Psa_119:70 Their hearts are dull and void of feelings, but I find my true treasure in your truth.
Psa_119:97 O how I love and treasure the revelation of your word; throughout the day I fill my heart with its light!
Psa_119:111 Everything you speak to me is like joyous treasure, filling my life with gladness.
Psa_119:162 Your promises are the source of my bubbling joy; the revelation of your word thrills me like one who has discovered hidden treasure.
Psa_135:4 For Yahweh has chosen Jacob for his own purpose, and Israel is his special treasure.
Pro_2:1 My child, will you treasure my wisdom? Then, and only then, will you acquire it. And only if you accept my advice and hide it within will you succeed.
Pro_2:4-5 For if you keep seeking it like a man would seek for sterling silver, searching in hidden places for cherished treasure, then you will discover the fear of the Lord and find the true knowledge of God.
Pro_3:14 As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold.
Pro_7:3 Treasure my instructions, and cherish them within your heart.
Pro_8:19 What I impart has greater worth than gold and treasure, and the increase I bring benefits more than a windfall of income.
Pro_18:22 When a man finds a wife, he has found a treasure! For she is the gift of God to bring him joy and pleasure. But the one who divorces a good woman loses what is good from his house. To choose an adulteress is both stupid and ungodly.
Pro_22:18 You’ll become winsome and wise when you treasure the beauty of my words. And always be prepared to share them at the appropriate time.
Pro_24:7 Wisdom is a treasure too lofty for a quarreling fool—he’ll have nothing to say when leaders gather together.
Mat_6:21 For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure.
Mat_13:44 “Heaven’s kingdom realm can be illustrated like this: “A person discovered that there was hidden treasure in a field. Upon finding it, he hid it again. Because of uncovering such treasure, he was overjoyed and sold all that he possessed to buy the entire field just so he could have the treasure.
Mat_19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you really want to be perfect, go immediately and sell everything you own. Give all your money to the poor and your treasure will be transferred into heaven. Then come back and follow me for the rest of your life.”
Mar_10:21 Jesus fixed his gaze upon the man, with tender love, and said to him, “Yet there is still one thing in you lacking. Go, sell all that you have and give the money to the poor. Then all of your treasure will be in heaven. After you’ve done this, come back and walk with me.”
Luk_12:33-34 “So, now, go and sell what you have and give to those in need, making deposits in your account in heaven, an account that will never be taken from you. Your gifts will become a secure and unfailing treasure, deposited in heaven forever. Where you deposit your treasure, that is where your thoughts will turn to—and your heart will long to be there also.”
Joh_8:55 But in reality, you’ve never embraced him as your own. I know him, and I would be a liar, like yourselves, if I told you anything less than that. I have fully embraced him, and I treasure his every word.
Rom_8:32 For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all, he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.
2Co_4:7 We are like common clay jars that carry this glorious treasure within, so that the extraordinary overflow of power will be seen as God’s, not ours.
Col_1:27 Living within you is the Christ who floods you with the expectation of glory! This mystery of Christ, embedded within us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people, and God wants everyone to know it!
Col_2:3 For our spiritual wealth is in him, like hidden treasure waiting to be discovered—heaven’s wisdom and endless riches of revelation knowledge.
2Ti_1:14 Guard well this incomparable treasure by the Spirit of Holiness living within you.
Heb_10:34 You sympathized with those in prison and when all your belongings were confiscated you accepted that violation with joy; convinced that you possess a treasure growing in heaven that could never be taken from you.
1Pe_2:9 But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world.
Rev_2:9 I am aware of all the painful difficulties you have passed through and your financial hardships, even though, in fact, you possess rich treasure. And I am fully aware of the slander that has come against you from those who claim to be Jews but are really not, for they are a satanic congregation.