The Keys of Jacob - Nov 3rd, 2011 Kim Clement
I want you to be healed, to be free, touched, and your soul restored that you may have peace and joy
When your soul is messed up the light is taken away from your eyes. David said the Law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul, the statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, bringing joy to the heart, the precepts of the Lord are right making wise the simple, the fear of the Lord is pure enduring forever, the commands of the Lord are radiant bringing light to the eyes.
That is what happens when your soul gets hurt or vexed (even Jesus said, My soul is vexed) by what people say or what you see. Your eyes begin to change and you see things in a bad light. If you cannot see your soul needs to be restored so your eyes can have light.
I saw the love in your smile, I felt the strength of you voice, that is what drew me to you was the love in your smile.
Today take the tears that have come from so many people and change them, change us. 2 Corn 37:20 Their prayer came up to His Holy dwelling place, even into Heaven.
Your sword and spear may be blunt but the weapon of prayer is never our of order. When we think it is too blunt that is when it is the most effective.
No one can take your prayers away from you. I think prayer is being raptured into God's presents. You can reach in, by just prayer. Prayer gains an audience with Heaven no matter where you are or what time it is. Prayer is never futile. True prayer is true power. When God does not answer us according to the letter, but according to His spirit. Sometimes just the shedding of tears is a treasure in Heaven. There was a bottle that the Romans carry around at funeral's and catch the tears of the people and keep them in this bottle Blessed are those that morn for they shall be comforted. Don't hold back; tears are the diamonds of Heaven.
Just like your giving is never nothing, no matter how small.
When you hear the voice of God you are getting keys from God. When you get revelation you get a key from God. You have to take charge and lift up your eyes and 'see'. To look is a casual observation, but seeing is a far deeper observation. When God speaks it is light. When God speaks to your soul, which is movable, and it gets into the soul area and your eyes are given light, God spoke to Jesus, You are beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Jesus hadn't done anything yet. See yourself through God's eyes. Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights. He overcame the temptations of the devil three times. his soul was weak and the devil wanted him to perform. With perception comes receptions. What you perceive you receive. Jesus said, Man shall not live on bread alone but on every word of the mouth of God. These are perceiving words. Keys were given. Same with Peter had the revelation that Jesus was the Messiah.
Jacob was in a place of pain and ran away from home, laying on the ground he had a revelation which changed his perception and changed his soul. His eyes were opened and he said, God is in this place and this place is awesome and renamed it Bethel. Made his first offering there by pouring oil on a rock.
God is going to give you a key as how to take possession of what was given to you two thousand years ago.
Gen 31:1-30 Jacob heard the words of Laban's sons, Laban was mad because Jacob was had received wealth. Laban deceived and changed his wages 10 times. Jacob acquired his wealth by a revelation from god to take the streaked, spotted or speckled. every time it would work in favor of Jacob. The idea that he got was from God to put sticks down next to the sheep etc. Whatever Laban said he would take the ones that Jacob got were multiplied.
3John 2 you will prosper as your soul prospers. God's words changes your soul. You are recharged and given keys.
Jacob started out dirt poor, only blessed, angel came and said years before, 'lift your eyes and see!' What do you see Jacob? All the lambs are streaked, speckled or spotted. I am the God of Bethel where you anointed thee pillar and where you made a vow to me. Jacob took the place of pain and called it by another name. No longer are you Lus (a place of pain) but I call you Bethel (the residence of God). Make your place of pain the residence of God. God sanctifies it and drives out your enemies and comes back and blesses you. Don't say that you will give and then get blessed, say instead, I will give to you knowing that you will bless me. God is watching you.
Jacob took branches and cut them and the sheep had lambs that were streaked, spotted and speckled.
Jacob was doing something that made it happen, after the angle gave him the idea.
Pray I want the key that I may prosper. At the birth of Joseph Jacob is leaving. Joseph grew up to prosper and bring great prosperity later in Jacob's life. Saving his family. Jacob is wealthy, but when Joseph is born God tells him to leave Laban and go back to his land. Spirit of Joseph that is being born that is getting ready in the place of prosperity.
The people of God are going to prosper and the wicked are going to give to the righteous. Joesph was born when Laban was stealing from Jacob. Sometimes in an economic crises God works things for your advantage. Come alive, see what I see. The radiance of God will come upon you right now that you may see it!
Jacob goes to Laban and says give me my wife's (Labanic world is the controller of your finances). You have been controlled by the world of Laban. It is time for change! It is time for change! Are you ready to change? Are you ready to change? It's time for change! It's time to change Change your mind. Change your eyes. The word of the Lord is 'cannot you see the leaders of the world are being taken out? At the beginning of the year that same spirit tried to take the woman out, but I have take;n those out. As they have exalted themselves, I will humble and topple them. Move of my spirit will continue to move in the Middle East. Even leaders that will listen to the voice of Christ. I will remove the Spirit of Laban so that for those who want it will prosper. Let's believe God together. I am going to step out of the boat. Gift of faith to step out. I am going to do something that i have never done before. $100 to Kim. It's time for change. Spirit of Faith that has come upon you. Some of you are saying, "NO MORE LABAN!" Just like Jacob got an idea that gave him the keys to prosper. ACT out of faith right now. I want to be free from the spirit of Laban that had controlled my finances and my future. I break it now in Jesus name!
It is pay back time! 2011 was the year of the woman. 2012 is the year of Death to Debt. American is being changed right now. Technological advances will allow America to prosper.
Once you receive the revelation from God you will never be bored.
The spirit of Laban: Control, deceit, stealing, and debt will be broken over my life. Let me enter into the spirit of Joseph, which is wisdom and prosperity.
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