Monday, October 5, 2020

Kingdom Revelation

The Lord speaks...

"Conglomeration of thought, word and deed; my people who are called by my name have humbled themselves and prayed. I have healed their land. I have healed their sorrows. Today is a day of remembrance. Today is a day of rejoicing! The Lord has answered your prayers! You have won the battle because the Lord has defeated your enemies. They have been conquered! Step into the Kingdom I have promised you. As Kings and Priests of mine, step into the seat of dominion and authority I have won for you. Allow my Spirit to invade your life in ways that will transform you into Kingdom rulers. With my heart, and my mind, and my Spirit you will rule in righteousness, peace, and joy!"

1 Corinthians 2:9-10
It is written, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has known what God has prepared for those who love him." (Isaiah 64:4) But God has shown it to us through his Spirit. The Spirit understands all things. He understands even the deep things of God.

Friday, October 2, 2020

A Vision from God

God gave me a dream/vision this morning. I saw a large aged elephant laying on its side with bandages, and protest signs stuck to its feet. I then saw it being lifted up and put on its feet and a crown put on its head. The crown was intricate woven metal with no jewels and all the points the same height.
I asked the Lord what this meant, and he said, 'there is a spirit that wants to take down the Republican party, but I am raising them up with my people. The Republican party will become the party of the Bride of Christ.'