Friday, February 19, 2021

God's Wisdom & Understanding

What's on your heart today Lord? 

"My people perish because of lack of wisdom and understanding. They work hard, but they have allowed the world's wisdom to take over their thoughts and their lives. Tell them to turn back to me. I am their source of wisdom and understanding. Not man's science, not man's government... not any man, but me. Your God. Let me be your God."

"Do you not know that I created you and everything on this earth? Who better to ask than the creator of all creation? Man knows nothing of my creation except what I have allowed. Why? Because man's heart has been corrupted with false wisdom and understanding."

Sunday, February 14, 2021

What's on your heart today Lord?


"Tribulation - today you will see much tribulation as I purify my people." 

"Come to me all who thirst for righteousness and justice. I will have my way! My word is true and will not return void! Hope in me and you will reap my blessings." 

"I see a great catalyst happening. Time is melding and co-mingling together. Mixed with hope, time will tell my story of redemption. Hold onto it. Redemption requires faith. Faith requires hope, and hope, love."